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  • SKU: 52204A
    IMMUNO ROYAL Premium 60 Vegaanikapselia Alkuperäinen hinta oli: €19.99.Nykyinen hinta on: €12.95.


    Stivits Immuno Royal on kattava immuunijärjestelmää tukeva ravintolisä, joka yhdistää välttämättömät vitamiinit, mineraalit ja kasvipohjaiset ainesosat vahvistamaan immuunitoimintaa, vähentämään oksidatiivista stressiä ja edistämään yleistä hyvinvointia. C-vitamiinin, sinkin, kversetiinin sekä voimakkaiden antioksidanttien, kuten resveratrolin ja rypälesiemenuutteen, yhdistelmän ansiosta Immuno Royal tarjoaa kohdennettua tukea vahvan immuunijärjestelmän ylläpitämiseen.

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  • SKU: 52246
    Immuno Support Tablets Alkuperäinen hinta oli: €12.30.Nykyinen hinta on: €7.99.

    Food supplement

    Stivits Vitamin C + D3 + Zinc tablets deliver 100% pharmaceutical-grade vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc – all essential nutrients for the body.

    Contributes to immune defense by supporting various cellular functions of both the innate and adaptive immune systems. It also provides antioxidant protection to the immune system and maintains the health of blood vessels, tissue, cartilage, bones, eyes, and other organ systems.

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  • SKU: 52257
    Iodine 200 mcg Vegan Tablets Alkuperäinen hinta oli: €12.90.Nykyinen hinta on: €7.99.

    Food supplement 

    Stivits provides a crucial health-promoting trace element with 200 mcg of iodine. This essential element is important for supporting thyroid health and is offered without increasing your salt intake.

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  • SKU: 52095
    Iron Complex Vegan Tablets Alkuperäinen hinta oli: €13.50.Nykyinen hinta on: €8.70.

    Food supplement

    Stivits Iron Complex is a distinctive combination of iron and its essential co-nutrients, complemented by botanicals. Iron is a mineral crucial for the formation of hemoglobin, a molecule that transports oxygen to cells throughout the body in red blood cells. The presence of Vitamin B12, B9, and B6 is necessary for the production of red blood cells.

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  • SKU: 52007
    Kalsium + D-vitamiini D3 Vegaanitabletit Alkuperäinen hinta oli: €12.50.Nykyinen hinta on: €9.40.


    Stivits Kalsium + D-vitamiini D3 on ravintolisä, joka on suunniteltu vahvistamaan luita ja tukemaan luuston terveyttä. D-vitamiini D3 parantaa kalsiumin imeytymistä, varmistaen, että keho hyödyntää kalsiumia tehokkaasti luuntiheyden ylläpitämiseen ja osteoporoosin ehkäisyyn. Lisäksi tämä lisäravinne tukee immuunijärjestelmää ja lihasten terveyttä, edistäen kokonaisvaltaista hyvinvointia.

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  • SKU: 52019
    L-Carnitine Tartrate 1000 mg Vegan Capsules Alkuperäinen hinta oli: €18.50.Nykyinen hinta on: €10.99.

    Food supplement

    Pure L-Carnitine is a non-essential amino acid that supports overall health by aiding the transfer of fatty acid groups into the mitochondrial membrane for cellular energy production. While it naturally occurs in red meat and other animal sources, Stivits offers a pure form of L-Carnitine that is clinically tested and vegetarian (non-animal sourced).

    To maintain stability and full potency, a tartrate form of L-Carnitine is used. This form is selected because L-Carnitine can attract water, which might lead to rapid deterioration. By using the tartrate form, Stivits ensures the product remains stable and retains its full potency over time.

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  • SKU: 52162
    L-Methylfolate 800 mcg Vegan Tablets Alkuperäinen hinta oli: €17.10.Nykyinen hinta on: €11.95.

    Food supplement

    Stivits Optimized Folate formula supports cardiovascular and cognitive health by providing 800 mcg of folate in the form of 5-MTHF, the active metabolized form of folic acid.

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  • SKU: 52099
    L-Tryptophan + Griffonia + Vitamin B6 Vegan Tablets Alkuperäinen hinta oli: €22.10.Nykyinen hinta on: €15.40.

    Food supplement

    Receive robust assistance for your mental and emotional well-being with Stivits L-Tryptophan + 5HTP + Vitamin B6. Derived from griffonia beans, 5-HTP is a unique compound that functions in the body to maintain healthy serotonin levels, a crucial hormone for balanced moods and sleep patterns.

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  • SKU: 52055
    Lesitiini 1200 mg + E-vitamiini Alkuperäinen hinta oli: €13.50.Nykyinen hinta on: €8.80.


    Lesitiini 1200 mg + E-vitamiini on monipuolinen ravintolisä, joka tukee aivojen ja maksan terveyttä, edistää sydän- ja verenkiertoelimistön toimintaa sekä tarjoaa antioksidanttisuojan. Tämän lisäravinteen lisääminen päivittäiseen käyttöön voi parantaa kognitiivisia toimintoja, edistää terveitä kolesterolitasoja ja suojata hapettumisstressiltä.

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  • SKU: 52384
    Lions Mane Mushroom 1000 mg Vegan Capsules 15.90

    Food supplement

    The main health benefits of Stivits food supplement Lion’s Mane Mushroom 1000 mg include enhanced cognitive function and mental clarity, thanks to its support for nerve growth and brain health. Additionally, it boosts the immune system, providing powerful antioxidant protection to combat oxidative stress and promote overall well-being.

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  • SKU: 52087
    Liver Health Formula Vegan Capsules Alkuperäinen hinta oli: €20.60.Nykyinen hinta on: €14.55.

    Food supplement

    Stivits Liver Health formula is designed to establish a solid foundation for a healthier liver. This formula includes a standardized milk thistle extract along with essential nutrients to support liver function. Milk thistle is known for its potential benefits in promoting liver health and protecting against liver damage. Stivits Liver Health aims to provide comprehensive support for this vital organ.

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  • SKU: 52190
    Lysiini 600 mg Vegaanikapselit Alkuperäinen hinta oli: €10.50.Nykyinen hinta on: €8.99.


    Stivits LYSIINI L-Lysiinivetykloridina on välttämätön aminohappo, joka tukee yleistä terveyttä auttamalla proteiinisynteesissä ja kollageenin muodostumisessa. Se vahvistaa immuunijärjestelmää, auttaen kehoa puolustautumaan infektioita ja viruksia vastaan, sekä parantaa kalsiumin imeytymistä vahvempien luiden hyväksi. Lisäksi lysiini voi vähentää huuliherpeksen puhkeamisen tiheyttä ja vakavuutta sekä edistää nopeampaa palautumista liikunnan tai vamman jälkeen.

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  • SKU: 52032
    Maca Root 2500 mg Vegan Capsules Alkuperäinen hinta oli: €15.90.Nykyinen hinta on: €11.10.

    Food supplement

    Stivits Maca contains maca, a herbaceous plant native to South America, particularly cultivated in high mountain regions. Daily supplementation with Stivits Maca is intended to support sexual health, boost energy levels, and contribute to overall well-being.

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  • SKU: 52001
    Magnesium (Citrate) 400 mg + B6 Vegan Tablets Alkuperäinen hinta oli: €17.20.Nykyinen hinta on: €12.50.

    Food supplement

    Stivits Magnesium Citrate is formulated to provide essential magnesium, a vital mineral supporting various bodily functions. This supplement aims to contribute to the health of muscles, the heart, nerves, and bones.

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  • SKU: 52073
    Magnesium 500 mg + B6 Vegan Capsules Alkuperäinen hinta oli: €11.40.Nykyinen hinta on: €9.10.

    Food supplement

    Stivits Magnesium 500 mg & Vitamin B6 Vegetable Capsules are crafted with reacted magnesium aspartate and magnesium oxide, complemented by vitamin B6 in the form of pyridoxine HCl. Magnesium is an essential mineral crucial for energy production, metabolism, muscle contraction, nerve impulse transmission, and bone metabolism. When combined with vitamin B6, this formulation may offer benefits for heart and nerve health, as well as stress relief.

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  • SKU: 52451
    Marine Collagen Peptides Hydrolyzed 10000mg Powder Type I and III 300g Alkuperäinen hinta oli: €39.99.Nykyinen hinta on: €22.75.

    Food supplement

    Collagen serves as the primary structural protein present in joints, bones, skin, nails, and various connective tissues. Stivits Hydrolyzed Marine Collagen Peptides offers a convenient means of incorporating collagen into your daily diet, thereby aiding in the maintenance of the health of these connective tissues. Its unflavored powder form allows for easy incorporation into your favorite beverages, facilitating the enjoyment of its benefits.

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