Food supplement
Stivits Omega-3 + Vitamin E is formulated with an optimal dosage, containing 360 mg of EPA and 240 mg of DHA. Enriched with Vitamin E, an essential nutrient, this supplement offers maximum heart health benefits. It supports healthy inflammatory responses and helps maintain normal cholesterol levels, essential for a healthy cardiovascular system. Stivits Omega-3 + Vitamin E also provides support for mental acuity and improved cognitive function, particularly crucial as we age. Additionally, it encourages bone strength and supports immune health.
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Food supplement
Stivits Omega-3 + Vitamin E is formulated with an optimal dosage, containing 360 mg of EPA and 240 mg of DHA. Enriched with Vitamin E, an essential nutrient, this supplement offers maximum heart health benefits. It supports healthy inflammatory responses and helps maintain normal cholesterol levels, essential for a healthy cardiovascular system. Stivits Omega-3 + Vitamin E also provides support for mental acuity and improved cognitive function, particularly crucial as we age. Additionally, it encourages bone strength and supports immune health.
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Stivits Omega-3 Kalaihiö 1000 mg + D3 + K2 + E-vitamiini tarjoaa kattavan sekoituksen ravintoaineita, jotka ovat välttämättömiä sydän-, luusto- ja immuuniterveydelle. Omega-3 kalaihiö edistää sydän- ja verisuoniterveyttä sekä tukee aivotoimintaa, kun taas D3-vitamiini parantaa kalsiumin imeytymistä vahvempien luiden tueksi. K2-vitamiini varmistaa, että kalsiumia hyödynnetään oikein kehossa estäen valtimoiden kalkkeutumista, ja E-vitamiini tarjoaa antioksidanttisuojan, suojaten soluja hapetusstressiltä.
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Food supplement
Ginseng has been revered for centuries in Traditional Asian Medicine as an adaptogen and an overall wellness tonic. Modern research suggests that it is the Ginsenosides within Ginseng that may account for its ability to help support energy and overall well being.
Stivits Panax Ginseng contains a premium grade extract.
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Food supplement
The Prostate Formula incorporates powerful combinations of herbs, nutrients, and phytochemicals that have undergone scientific research to promote the well-being of the prostate gland. This formula includes premium herbal extracts such as Saw Palmetto, Pumpkin Seed, and Cranberry, along with a high-quality form of the mineral selenium – all of which have been documented for their beneficial effects on prostate health.
Additionally, the Comprehensive Prostate Formula provides substantial levels of vitamins E and B6, zinc, and L-Arginine hydrochloride. These elements are recognized in research for their vital roles in supporting optimal prostate health, overall well-being, and general health.
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Stivits Saw Palmetto 1500 mg on ravintolisä, joka on suunniteltu tukemaan eturauhasen terveyttä ja edistämään tervettä virtsatoimintaa. Se voi auttaa tasapainottamaan hormonitasoja, edistäen yleistä hyvinvointia ja vähentäen eturauhasongelmien riskiä. Lisäksi tämä ravintolisä voi auttaa vähentämään hiustenlähtöä estämällä hiusten ohenemiseen liittyvän hormonin vaikutuksia, tehden siitä kattavan valinnan miesten terveydelle.
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Food supplement
Selenium is a vital trace mineral that serves as a crucial cofactor for numerous biological processes. Stivits Selenium + ACE contains a yeast-free form of selenium, offering antioxidant support and contributing to the maintenance of a healthy thyroid and immune system. Including selenium in your diet through supplements can be beneficial for overall health and well-being.
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Food supplement
Spirulina is a type of blue-green algae (Arthrospira platensis) known for its abundance of beneficial compounds. Stivits Organic Spirulina offers an organic form of this green superfood, providing a natural source of nutrition and potential health benefits.
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Food supplement
Stivits Omega 3-6-9 is a blend of Fish, Sunflower Seed, and Flax Seed Oils. This unique combination of well-known nutritional oils provides a balanced mix of Omega-3 and Omega-6 Essential Fatty Acids, along with Omega-9, a non-essential but beneficial fatty acid. The Omega-3s, including Alpha Linolenic Acid, EPA, and DHA, as well as the Omega-6, GLA, are essential for maintaining healthy skin, promoting a balanced immune system, and ensuring proper nervous system function.
The Fish Oil Concentrate used in these softgels adheres to strict quality control standards. It undergoes testing to ensure it is free of potentially harmful levels of contaminants such as mercury, heavy metals, PCBs, dioxins, and other impurities.
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Stivits Tribulus Terrestris 6000 mg on voimakas yrttilisä, joka on suunniteltu parantamaan urheilusuorituksia, lisäämään libidoa ja tukemaan yleistä elinvoimaa. Tämä korkean tehon kaava hyödyntää Tribulus Terrestriksen luonnollisia hyötyjä, jotka tunnetaan runsaasta saponiinipitoisuudestaan. Se voi auttaa parantamaan lihasvoimaa, lisäämään energiatasoja ja edistämään hormonaalista tasapainoa. Ihanteellinen niille, jotka haluavat parantaa fyysistä suorituskykyä ja seksuaalista terveyttä, Stivits Tribulus Terrestris 6000 mg tarjoaa luonnollisen ja tehokkaan tavan tukea aktiivista elämäntyyliäsi ja hyvinvointiasi.
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Food supplement
The Vitality Trio set combines Milk Thistle for liver health, Ashwagandha for stress protection, and Antistress for promoting calmness. This curated collection of supplements aims to support overall well-being by providing antioxidant benefits, stress resilience, and emotional balance. Embrace a life of vitality with the powerful combination of Balance, Protection, and Calm in this essential set.
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Food supplement
Stivits Vitamin K2 provides the natural form of vitamin K for optimal bioavailability and absorption in the body. Vitamin K is not a single vitamin but rather a family of fat-soluble vitamins with similar chemical structures and distinct metabolic properties. K2 is part of a subgroup of vitamin K compounds known as menaquinones, which exhibit superior bioactivity compared to K1, the standard supplemental form. K2 is absorbed more efficiently, stays in the body for an extended period, and offers enhanced benefits for bones, blood vessels, and other soft tissues.
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Food supplement
Stivits Vitamin K2 + D3 brings together two essential vitamins, K and D, each contributing to various aspects of overall health. This combined supplement offers a convenient and beneficial addition to your daily nutritional intake.
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Food supplement
Zinc is a trace mineral that plays a crucial role in various bodily functions. Stivits Zinc as Gluconate provides a bioavailable form of zinc, aiding in better absorption of this mineral to support overall immune health.
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